AI/ML Product Tips

Angeline Lim
4 min readApr 18, 2021
Source: Unsplash

One of the challenges of shipping AI-enabled experiences is the shift of product management practices. As this is a fairly new domain, most product teams are not well-equipped to handle the end-to-end delivery of an AI/ML project. This leads to a lot of frustrations, quality issues, and worse, decreasing stakeholder’s buy-ins in the organization. Hence, the followings share some of the key tips distilled from my own experiences building and shipping AI/ML projects.

Assess if it’s worth investing AI/ML

One of the biggest mistakes is overestimating the potential business return an AI/ML project can bring without prior validations to be certain of its impact. While there is no single rule to approach this, most AI/ML projects generally fall into the following buckets:

  • drive business revenue (e.g. e-commerce product recommendations)
  • move key metrics to drive growth (e.g. LinkedIn’s people recommendations driving virality);
  • increase the stickiness of product (e.g. Gmail’s Smart Compose, LinkedIn’s Smart Reply)
  • build a moat for the company (e.g. Gmail’s Smart features);
  • strategic alignment

To ensure it’s a problem worth investing months of engineering effort, it’s important to consider the following factors:

  • expected return to the business (e.g. can you tie this to business-level metrics)
  • problem statements (e.g. are you solving a pain point or offering a delighter)
  • the opportunity cost of pursuing this (e.g what other user or customer problem you’re giving up by committing your time to this)
  • engineering costs (e.g. how long this will take, what are some of the technical challenges, GPU cost)
  • risks (e.g. is this feasible, data privacy, legal compliance)

These will help you to think about whether this is something worth investing months of effort into. As AI/ML projects generally have longer timelines than other software projects, make sure you do this with rigor so that your team gets to work on what matters most to the business.

Adjust user expectation accordingly

